Monday, August 28, 2006


We all have theories. Byron has theories. He is the one that basically started the writing down of the theories. Mainly because he has some weird weird theories. At least mine is practical.

Theory 1, Byrons
Men that wear pink are NOT gay (go figger)

Theory 2, Byrons
We can't remember right now but I will update you (I'm sure Byron is lying)

Theory 3, is mine
Cars run better on a full tank of fuel (you would too)

Theory 4, Byrons
Boys wear their hair parted one way and girls the other way (he tried to blame this one on his mum)

Theory 5, Brads contribution
Where ever you go, there you are (see what I have to live with)

I can't type what Brads are normally because we would like to keep this as family oriented as possible.

This is a running list, so if you want to add to it, please feel free. I'm sure Byron has many more tucked away but because he only started talking in the last six months, we haven't heard them all. As I said this is a running list. Go for it.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Byrons world of Flatulence

Why do men think farts are funny?
Let me tell you, they are not. Byron farts all the time and his expression on his face doesn't even change. He has different sounds, for different occasions. Take right now for example. Mr High Squeeker, blames everything he has either eaten or drunk. God help me please!!! Thank god there is no smellavision because everyone would be DEAD. That, along with the burping its out of control. Linda don't feel upset you will be with it soon. The pleasure will be passed around. Funnily I couldn't find a photo of Byron farting so I had thought I would include one of me.

Kids Birthday Parties

I love organising the kids birthday parties. I sincerely get a major kick out of choosing the theme, creating the invitations, thinking about the games. The whole kit and caboodle. (Is this how you spell it)
Take today for instance. Miss Alicia was at her finest, sleeping peacefully for a very long time. I couldn't be arsed with the housework, so I thought, how about arranging Ewan's party. Good work mum. Lets do it. So I started and I must say that it flowed along nicely. I have almost finished the invitations, just need some stuff. I have some really cool ideas for the games and goody bags. I did ask Ewan for a couple of opinions. I mean it is his birthday I suppose. He was very obliging and answered perfectly. So I'm on my way. You may be wondering when his birthday is.... Well not for a couple of months, but knowing my household, things can get really out of hand pretty quickly and the next thing you know, is that you are completely swamped and feel guilty because you haven't put enough effort into it. I do not want Ewan explaining that to the shrink later on.
Guess what the theme is?????


I have to let everyone know that Brad has started riding again. I mean brum brum not peddle peddle. Yes, we all wish it was peddle peddle but he will get to that again eventually.
Interlude, most of the architraves are up.
Which for those who don't know, means he's allowed to go riding. You may have noticed the bike pictures on Caseys blog. Typical stuff, blokes standing around looking at the bike. You know how it is. Well Brad was happy with his progress and unfortunately the bike was not working???? It was leaking something. We don't ask because we don't really care. As long as he didn't fall off (Todd are you reading this) and it won't cost me too much money, I'm not fussed. He's happy and I mean very happy. He loves playing around with it, fixing it, washing it, checkin' it out. Oh and yes, riding it aswell. He has another 'ride' coming up which should be fun. I will be here, hosting a Learning Ladders party. Yes the invitations are on there way. So for those who don't know what Brad looks like in his get up. Look no more. That is my husband in the outfit.

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Is this a bought pizza? Is this a homemade pizza?

You could be mistaken for thinking that it was a bought pizza. I made this pizza and you know that you have the thumbs up when Brad likes it, but you definitely know when my dad likes it. He will let you know without reservation whether its good or bad. And I certainly excelled with this one.

Just take a look at the samplers. Unfortunately Ewan won't try the pizza, so he will look back on this posting with envy.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I have a need to share with the world how dumb I am.
I have just made tea and tried to serve Tuna Mornay without the tuna. The only thing is, the last time I tried to do this......I was pregnant with Ewan. Oh my god!!!!!!


Casey and I went and saw The Lake House last night. It was a great movie! It certainly didn't disappoint like the last movie.
I don't know what it is about going to the movies? Whether its that you aren't interrupted every 30 sec by someone asking if they can have a drink or chips. That everyone around you also wants to watch the movie, or is it that you get completely inspired and think that if it is that great for someone else, I must be able to do it aswell. Yes, I know you come down with a thud but for those 30mins after the movie you are on a complete high. Thinking how you can change this and that and finally get some real contribution into the world. Not that raising two loving and beautiful children, isn't contribution but that you have complete control. And anyone who has children, grandchildren, friends with children know very well that children are the most out of control thing that you will ever come in contact with. Other than Brad on his motorbike that is. Which will lead me to my next posting, Brad and his motorbike.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Customer Service gone screwy

What is it with the customer service in Australia. I thought we were up there in terms of quality. However I am proven wrong again.
We bought a heater, 4 weeks ago. Bearing in mind we should have had this heater within 10 days. Sounds wrong already, doesn't it. Well I had to phone this company 4 times to organise the heater and when and where it would be delivered. Excuse after excuse was thrown to me and by the end of the 4th conversation Brad decided enough was enough and we would ask for our deposit back. I asked for the managers number, where I was promptly told they were in Melbourne twice!! Yes, Melbourne is still in Australia. If I was dealing with Switzerland then maybe I would have a slight issue, I would prefer not to speak with someone at 3am my time. I also asked for the managers name, I received the first name but had to insist on the last name, which he didn't know. Scary, scary.
I spoke with her and she was all apologetic and promptly said I would receive my money back. In all seriousness I would have preferred the heater on day 10 but as it turns out I will end up having a beautiful feature in the fireplace instead of a fire.

Monday, August 07, 2006

The Kid before Kids

This is who I was talking about. The kid before kids. She is known by the names, Pepper, Pep, Peppina and Fluff. She was well and truly the baby of the family but as you can imagine, things took a turn for the worse for the furry, four legged babe. She was relegated to 2nd priority when Ewan arrived and then 3rd priority after Alicia. Out went the hour long brushings, the cuddles with mum on the lounge whilst watching tv and to a lesser extent the outings in the car.
She certainly wasn't used to all the fuss over someone else. I'm sorry to say but a few too many times, she was kicked whilst we walked. We simply couldn't see where she was when there was a bundle in your arms. Funnily enough that never happened when Alicia was a baby.
Why am I doing a posting on Pep..... I feel guilty and need to share my thoughts and for some reason Pepper isn't willing to listen.
I'm pleased to say that the brushings and the cuddles with mum are increasing, and she does appreciate them. She did teach me a few things before the human babies arrived and I'm glad that she ended up with a family that adores her. She is a beautiful dog and I feel sad for all those little kids that don't have pets. Hopefully my two will grow up with a love of dogs and a respect aswell.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Kids like the Simple Things

Why is it, that if you give a kid a choice between expensive bikes, slides, dolls etc or a piece of wood with a whole in it, they go for the wood everytime.

We have proven that today. Not with one, not with two but FOUR kids. Yes. Why do they do this you ask? I have absolutely no idea. I wish I knew because it would save a lot of money and decision making.

Look at them.....Another one of lifes mysteries

Mrs Helpful

Casey and her clan arrived last night for pizza. Little did she know that she would end up working. If you've noticed, we have added photos on the sidebar and the counter is actually working. I'm so excited to say the least. Its almost how I would like it, and then of course things will change. And yes, Casey has warned me already.
Thanks Case for your help.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Swimming is great.

Kids love swimming. Its been two months since we started swimming lessons and they are just loving it. I saw Ewan voluntarily jump in the pool and go under the water. I felt very very proud of him, especially since he's not really into getting his hair wet. And it used to distress him. BubAlicia is kicking and dipping her head, the only thing we need to work on is floating on our back. She is not fond of this at all. Another hurdle we shall eventually jump. At this stage they have come a long way and I will feel much more at ease with them in the pool. Yippee to Jo and Emma for their patience