Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Cutting Kids Fingernails

There is no book, explanation, instructions to cutting kids fingernails. It can be one of the hardest jobs on this earth. It sort of gets easier as they get older and then sometimes it doesn't. It depends on their mood. Its also one of those things that you forget to do, until either they scratch you or you see a scratch on their face and then you think.....oh...fingernails!!! I once asked Brad if he wanted to do it, he promptly opted for NO. If it didn't cost too much to have them manicured, I'd probably give this a go. ha ha ha ha. So the next time you see someone cutting their kids fingernails, look at them in awe, its a bloody hard job to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so totally agree! I'm so sick of cutting fingernails & toenails. You're like me now, you have 60 of the damn things to look after (unless of course you look after Brad's too...)

Jane Nestor