Friday, October 06, 2006

Out of Control

Why is it that we sink so much energy into making sure that the birthday parties of our kids are awesome. Most of the time they won't even remember anyway. I blame it on the video recorder. It is a permanent reminder of how much or little effort went into making 'their' day special and one to remember. Evidence, if you will.
I have to say that it always starts out innocently enough but you know the story. One minute you are buying a pinata and the next minute you are making one. Fun, but time consuming. Well if you have wondered, that is where I have been. Building pinatas, blowing up balloons, discussing Birthday cakes etc etc. You should have some wonderful photos to view soon.
Happy birthday Ewan, we hope you have a great birthday party tomorrow.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

The Birthday Party was great.
Fun was had by all!