Friday, October 13, 2006

Ewan turns 4

This was the first year that I didn't actually think about and relive the birth of Ewan. Every year before, it was almost ritualistic, that I thought about the sequence of events, what happened when and what I was feeling. Does this mean that I'm over it? It literally only feels like the other day but obviously it isn't. Is this the beginning of not remembering? I feel that its a really really important day for everyone concerned. It was the day that our partnership grew to become a family, Nanna and Poppa became grandparents for the first time, Aunty Leanne, Aunty Susy and Uncle Frank became Aunties & Uncles and Grandma and Grandpa's little girl became a mummy for the first time. As I said, it was a really important day.
Ewan has turned out to be a lovely kid. A typical boy, and a slight pain but nonetheless he surprises us all the time. I sincerely enjoy having him as my son and am very proud already of his accomplishments.
Happy Birthday Ewan wishing you many many more.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

I understand thats about the time I stopped Reliving Roses birth!