Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Kids are funny!

I never really thought about our kids as funny, until Brad mentioned it not that long ago. And yes they are. They do weird, weird stuff that is sometimes just out there. Take Alicia for instance. She has taken to doing this limp thing with her leg, almost like she has a really sore leg and can't walk properly. But she is doing it on purpose. It is the funniest thing to see. She also does a pout that is to die for. She may not be able to say much but her expression tells a thousand words.
Ewan is different, because he has verbal skills (unfortunately) he comes out with some doozies. The other day I thought I would make some small talk whilst in the car, just so I was communicating with my children and out of the blue Ewan says, "Mum, you talk too much". I thought, how rude but now..... we can use this on Ewan, which actually does work. The latest is, "Mum, can we get Chicken Nuggles", which for the lay person means, can we go to McDonalds and get Chicken Nuggets. Yes you have to be the parents of these children to understand what is being said. You do learn and once you have had children you seem to be more in tune with the child lingo.
So in essence, we have funny kids. They are funny. They make you laugh out loud, not just inside. But be warned they come with an evil streak aswell.

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