Friday, January 19, 2007

Look at me, I can do it too!

As everyone knows, Ewan looooovvveeees his superhero costumes. He will wear them dirty, clean, when its hot, cold, raining. You name it, he'll be wearing it. Nanna was kind enough to buy The Incredibles costume for Xmas and he too loves this. But this also means that Alicia is able to use a costume also. If Ewan is Batman, she will wait until he's Superman, and then put Batman on, etc etc
This story reminds me of me, because apparently when I was young, I too had to do everything that everyone else was doing. Mum can relate to this. Anyway, it is expanding their imaginations and all we need now is a broken leg, because Ewan really does think he can fly. Lets hope not. Not to be out done, Pepper thought she would get in on the act.

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