Friday, July 28, 2006

Look at Me.

Guess what I want to be when I grow up???? My Dad!!
Or at least do stuff that dad does, ride motorbikes, play with cars, basically runamuck in the shed, the haven. Where no women may enter unless its to bring the beer.
No he's not that bad, but I wasn't joking about the shed being the haven.

Ratty Kids.

Ratty kids. Why is it that kids are at their worst before they go to bed?
This typically happens to us by Alicia (bless her heart) on Thursday and Friday nights. Common denominator, child care days. She sleeps less there and would be more stimulated, visually and mentally. We bare the reprecussions and I have to say that the patience level on those particular nights wears very thin. Tonight we triumphed. She was whingy as usual, she had her tea, she had a bath and she went to bed. And she looks gorgeous when she's sound asleep. Wouldn't you agree.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I amaze even myself sometimes. Thats to say that I can be so ambitious that I actually can fluke good things happening.
Dilema... to go and buy tiles for the fireplace, get kids to swimming class, feed them, get them to sleep and if you are really good, do the food shopping aswell.
Well guess what, that all happened today. You have to have one good day in a month surely.
The day started out normally and then I had a marvelous idea. I wonder if I can go and buy tiles before swimming lessons, because everything can become a blure after swimming lessons and Alicia can be very unpredictable when it comes to length of sleep. Lets see, I have about 2 hours before swimming starts. Yes of course I could do this with 2 children and the dog tagging along. So I packed up the swimming gear, thinking we will just get changed at Nannas and don't forget Alicias lunch (just in case).
We all arrived at the tile shop, where the assistant prompty let me know that he didn't have the right trim for the tile I wanted. Well there's no point in buying the tile if you can't get the trim so I thought that was it for tile shopping. However my brain never stops thinking. We sort of go past Beaumonts on the way home, let stop there in case. Long story short, Beaumonts had the trim so I went back to the tile place, stopped off to change at Nanna's and pick Nanna up and we just made it to swimming in time. Did I feel proud.
As I said, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
I am a winner today!!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


You will soon discover that I am not a patient person. How can I say this with two kids, not easily. I want to add a photo, edit the links, understand how everything works but this will not happen tonight. I shall be back, hopefully it won't be next month. Wish me luck.

I'm On!

Well, here goes!
My friend Casey (crazy American) has one of these blog things, and kept saying how cool they were. I kept saying (in my head) I don't have time or its too time consuming or by the time I get to writing it, I will be exhausted. As you can gather I have an issue with TIME. I am. Typing away until I get pushed off the computer by my husband, boarder or kids. Good excuse really to get a laptop!!
Thanks to I could get addicted to this.