Thursday, July 09, 2009

Where did you go?

Where did I go, you ask? mummy and me went tripping off to Melbourne last weekend, specifically to see the musical 'Wicked' and unspecifically to shop. It was a really great weekend, and mum loved it aswell.
We started the day early, with a 7.05am plan trip. By the time we arrived in Melbourne, get to the hotel, dropped our bags, it was time for brunch. And besides who can shop properly on an empty stomach. Once feasting was over, we took off for the closest DFO and proceeded to quietly manoeuvred around the ample shopping. We eventually arrived back at the hotel at almost 3.30pm. A pretty good innings.
What shall we do now, rest of course, then shower, change, eat again and prepare to be dazzled by one of the best musicals we've seen ever. It was magical and spellbinding. And funnily enough you feel really bad for the Wicked Witch of the West, now you know the full story. If we could, we would have watched it another night. If it comes to town, we will be there.
We shopped the next day and lunched as usual and then before we boarded the plane, grabbed our Krispy Kremes and flew back to Adelaide.
A well deserved break for all. Except Brad of course, who got, 'Nothing done, all weekend.' Its not as easy as it looks is it honey.

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