Thursday, June 18, 2009


No, this post isn't something about a snake. Anaconda is an outdoor shop. Actually, its officially Brads favourite shop and by the looks of things the kids aswell.
This is a shop that we could loose Brad for at least 6 hours, and we would have, if I wasn't steering the ship. Alicia was busy, loosing her teddy bear (actually mine) but I did manage to find it. Ewan was busy, begging for flippers, snorkel and goggles set which was $50. Are they out of their mind. Yes, we had tears but I was the master of manipulation that day. We left the store without any red eyes. So we got what we went for and luckily nothing else.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

I can't believe how big the kids are now!!!! Its scary! Alicia is the age Moya was when we moved there.

Keep in touch! I know Will misses Brad!