Friday, October 12, 2007

Football according to Ewan

We were stopped at the lights the other day and there blowing in the distance was the Port Power flag. Ewan pipes up says, "Look a Port Power flag." Meanwhile I am trying to find the Port Power flag that Ewan enthusiastically points out. Finally it is spotted and I then try to rack my brain thinking, how does he know about Port Power? I surmise that he has learnt about football and football teams at child care because we certainly don't discuss football at home. I ask Ewan and he nods with agreement, then proceeds to sing some Port song that also has been taught at child care. I know that there is a friendly rivalry amongst the carers and the football has just finished for the year, so they obviously have discussed the game, the rules and the teams. I found it odd that Ewan knew all about it. At least they are teaching them something at child care.

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