Sunday, October 28, 2007

Alien children

I have alien children. They seemed to have sprout hair horns today.

Cameron was hungry

We saw Cameron today and he was a little hungry. He must be a growing boy because he ate 3 pieces of toast. Impressive by anyones standards. Thats what kids do, one minute they eat nothing the next, eating you out of house and home. At least he got Alicia to eat her toast.

Ewan's Analogy

Whilst Ewan played playstation (Crash Bandicoot Crash Team racing) with Brad today I asked him, "How do you know you're winning?" Ewan answered, "When you go past someone, you're winning." All I could say to that comment was, "Alrighty then."

Ring a Rosie is annoying

Whoever taught Alicia ring a rosie needs a good smack. It has been the most annoying song and she harasses us day and night to play ring a rosie. We have to do it with dolls and bears and teddies. I am over it and she is too persistant. Alicia please learn to play ring a rosie by yourself, pleeeeaaaassseeee.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Kids copy everything

The latest example involves a headband. I was finding it difficult to wash my face without messing up my hair, so I decided to use one of Alicia's headbands. One thing lead to another and the kids saw what I was wearing, now of course they need to wear one when they are in the bath. So every night they ask for the toys etc and the headband. I'm hoping that the novelty will wear off, but I doubt it. It has made me realise that headbands are not necessarily becoming.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Daking (Aussie term to pull your pants down)

These were the antics tonight. Brad was actually putting dishes in the dishwasher (I know, unbelievable) and his arse was just the right height, every impulse said to pull his pants down. Alicia thought it funny but not funny when I did it to her. She was not happy. So I had to explain the reasoning and then she daked me, then Ewan and then Brad. Daking is not something that occurs often in our house but when it does, no one is safe.

He's back

Mr Albino gecko is back. The house came with a mascot, that comes in the form of an albino gecko. He has been living here on and off for the past 9 years. He only comes out when its warm and had a habit of lying on the outside walls mainly out the front. Who knows what happened to him when we renovated because this site was rubble for a long time. Its nice to know that he has come home, though it looks as though a lot has happened to him since. His tail is no longer normal and looks like he's lost it a few times, so its a little confused. He didn't seem to care when I was taking photos of him last night.

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Foo Fighters are alive in our house

How is it that young Ewan knows about the Foo Fighters. There we are, Ewan, Alicia and myself driving back from a reasonable trip of food shopping with the radio on and Ewan announces from the back seat, "Mum that is the Foo Fighters." What the???? Now to me, they sounded like any awful music group, so I tried to remember the chorus, so I could ask Brad when I got home because I didn't have my phone on me. I asked Brad who was the group and he confirmed the Foo Fighters. Theres Ewan, I told you so.........
I was too stunned for words. I know Brad listens to that crap but I certainly didn't think Ewan took any notice of it. It just goes to show, that your bad taste can be passed on from generation to generation.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Anna's 40th

We had Annas 40th Birthday party last night. She had a tiara and top hat theme. It was clever for Anna, considering she danced for so long. We caught up with a heap of friends we hadn't seen for ages, it was a great night. It looked as thought Anna had a good night and she was raring to go even when we left which was about 11.45pm. It turned out a really late night for Brad and I, we went for coffee with Sharon after and didn't get to bed until 2am. Something we hadn't done in a long long time. It was cool.

Pepper the stalker

Pepper loves to stalk birds and since we have lovely big French doors out the back, she can see all and every bird. There she was yesterday slowly but surely stalking this poor and unsuspecting pigeon. Pepper isn't quick enough to actually catch a bird but she has fun trying. Excuse Peppers butt in the photo

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Mudgie has a new friend

We bought Mudgie a friend and it was only $5. Check out the new toy at the front of the photo.

Warmer weather is coming

You know its getting warm, when you are able to eat your lunch outside on the green table. It was a beautiful day on Wednesday and after swimming lessons, and play grounds at the mall, everyone was ready to rest outside and eat a hearty lunch. Bring on more warm weather I say.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

Scoot around

Ewan was playing on his scooter yesterday and Brad was impressed with his speed. So Brad said, "Hey Ewan, jump off the end". What brad meant was, when he got close to the end of the pavers, use the scooter to jump off the pavers. Kids being literal, Ewan jumped off the scooter at the end of the pavers. Gee, it was funny to see. I knew what Brad meant but he hadn't specified enough for Ewan.

Spiderman Indeed

Spiderman is Ewans alter ego. Ewan gains special powers when he puts his Spiderman outfit on. Who am I kidding in, Ewan has Spiderman tendencies with or without the outfit.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Monkey Man

We know that Ewan likes to climb things but he has gone one better lately. Ewan can climb the door frames right to the top. I don't even want to know how he does it or why, but the first time you see it, it is impressive however he can hurt himself if he falls awkwardly, so he has been banned from doing it. I did manage to get a photo first. In the photo he is only up half way but can go all the way where his head touches the top.

Singing in the Car

When Ewan was little boy I used to dance around the house and sing songs really loudly. I haven't done that as much with Alicia and decided it was time for the antics to recommence. I tested the waters whilst in the car on the way back from mums. It was an Avril Lavigne song which was slow and the chorus repetitive. Ewan only had to hear the song a couple of times before he knew the words to the chorus. It was hysterical singing the song and have Ewan and Alicia chime in. Alicia sang the yayayah bit very well. Secretly I was impressed that Ewan picked up the words so quickly. Alicia prefers to dance with mum instead. She copies very well, dance classes are in the near future, I can tell.

Football according to Ewan

We were stopped at the lights the other day and there blowing in the distance was the Port Power flag. Ewan pipes up says, "Look a Port Power flag." Meanwhile I am trying to find the Port Power flag that Ewan enthusiastically points out. Finally it is spotted and I then try to rack my brain thinking, how does he know about Port Power? I surmise that he has learnt about football and football teams at child care because we certainly don't discuss football at home. I ask Ewan and he nods with agreement, then proceeds to sing some Port song that also has been taught at child care. I know that there is a friendly rivalry amongst the carers and the football has just finished for the year, so they obviously have discussed the game, the rules and the teams. I found it odd that Ewan knew all about it. At least they are teaching them something at child care.

Ewans one liners

Ewan has discovered more vocabulary and with this comes his one liners. Today he was getting out of the car, and as he did this he paused. "What are you doing?" I asked. He replies, "Just looking at the world." He apparently also said to Amy today whilst she handed him a biscuit, "Thank you princess." The funny thing is, he doesn't even realise he is being humorous. Charming and funny.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Ewans 5th Birthday party

Ewan ended up having 2 birthday parties, 1 for the family, 1 for friends. He was happy with this of course, especially having 2 cakes to blow the candles out.
The party at McDonalds was better than I thought it was going to be. Mind you, my expectations were not very high to begin with. The hostess was really attentive and was always in the right spot at the right time. We played a couple of games, pass the parcel and stick the nose on Ronald. Stick the nose on Ronald was a tremendous hit, the kids were laughing their heads off. The further away they stuck the noses the funnier it was. I would have to say, that game was a real hit. I'm glad about this because I made it. Not that it was time consuming but fiddly.

Another one bites the dust. Do you know, this is the first year that I haven't literally thought about the birth of Ewan. I usually relive it in my head and remember the good and bad times of labour. Maybe its becoming a distant memory or maybe its become more about Ewan than me. Thats fine, at the end of the day if we can look back and see all that he has achieved in the past year, this has to be a cause for celebration.

Who is that??

Who is the man behind the mask?

Bay to Birdwood

The Bay to Birdwood is a car cruise that starts at West Beach and finishes at Birdwood in the hills where there is a car museum. Every alternate year the cruise is open to cars from 1950 to 1977 hence the the Ford coupe was eligible. Brad got her ready (just) and the big day arrived with much anticipation.
The day itself was really good because it marked the first time that Alicia had a ride in the coupe. Both kids were really excited and both loved the trip up there and back. It was a really good family fun day out and I think we will do it again.

When we got there, amongst the millions of cars, we had a go on the jumping castle, the kids had their face painted and played on the playground. It was a really long day and everyone was tired afterwards.

Unfortunately I happened to mention that a mustang would be nice to have, and Brad has played on ebay for mustangs ever since. Why don't I learn????

Thursday, October 04, 2007

McDonalds Party

In keeping with the McDonalds theme, the lolly bags that I have developed relate to Ronald McDonald. I am really pleased with the outcome and Ewan thinks they are pretty cool aswell. Another success.

Ewan turns 5

Ewan turned 5 today. His day started out by getting presents from us including his new bike and a couple of DVDs. He had icecream at child care and then we had family over for a small birthday tea. He got a lot of great toys and books, his official birthday party will be at McDonalds. He's grown up a lot in the last year and I think he is ready for school. Life just goes on and on and if you blink you miss it.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Grandpa passed away

Grandpa passed away on Sunday morning as we all know he was 90. Even so, it was unexpected. He was in hospital but due to come out on Monday, I was going to see him then. It would be a little easier with the kids to visit him at his retirement village, and he would be more comfortable. Unfortunately that didn't happen. Its funny when someone dies because your mind strays to memories that you hadn't thought about in years. I remember grandpa at Glengyle
Av, he used to have a workshop under the house. I used to be really excited when we rocked up at their house when I was little and grandpa was twiddling away in the workshop. It was a really cool place even if you were under strict instruction, not to touch anything. I also remember the Christmas that grandma and grandpa gave me the play doh set, I couldn't have been anymore than 10. When grandma and grandpa moved to the unit, we hardly ever saw grandpa when we visited, he was always outside playing around with the plants, he used to come in for his lunch, a sandwich with a pot of tea. He was really methodical about lunch. All these memories will live on, even though grandpa is no longer with us. They are etched there as much as my kids will remember what their grandparents do and say.