Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Someone is taking off their nappy

Of course, it couldn't be anyone other than Miss Alicia. She loves it. Running around with no nappy. So out came the potty and I bought her some knickers. Just this afternoon is a prime example of what she is doing. I put her down for her afternoon nappy about 1.15pm. At 2.00pm she was still running a muck in her cot. So much so, that I thought she wasn't going to go down but she eventually did. Bearing in mind, I had secretly checked up on her on a number of occasions before I didn't hear anymore noise. What should I find when I checked, so I could shut her guessed it, a little babe asleep without a nappy. She had taken off her pjamas pants and nappy. What do you do now? I hear everyone asking. Well, I have taken to just leaving her without a nappy. There's not that much damage she can do, unless she decided to do a No.2. But I suppose that can be cleaned up. This is an activity that Ewan never ventured into. It can be very frustrating at times, because its hard enough trying to dress a little being let alone, dressing them at least 10 times a day. Oh well, the joys of parenting.

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