Monday, January 29, 2007

Ewan is eating vegetables

For all those mothers out there, that don't think it will ever happen to them. Think again. Your children will eventually eat vegetables. How do I know this, you ask because it has happened to me. Ewan, my beloved son, who has been a pain in the arse when it comes to eating his vegetables, actually eats, carrots, mashed potatoe and broccoli. I do not say that he actually enjoys them, but he does eat them. I don't know how or why. I did perservere and something does have to happen after harrassing him for the past 2 years. I'm just thankful he is eating them, so its one less thing I have to worry about.

The House is taking shape

You don't realise how much better a house looks with skirtings and architraves. When you are used to not having them and then, there they are, its an amazin difference. The only room completely finished (in terms of skirtings) is Ewans. Mind you he didn't mind so much, because he got to play cubby house in the family room whilst the glue stopped smelling. He was not a happy camper when he woke up mysteriously one morning in his room. Never mind. The dining room is mostly done, The passage is basically done and Alicias room is sort of done. Well you get the picture.
So instead of having 45 items left on the house list, we have actually been able to remove 3 and 3/4. We have bi-fold doors hanging for the ensuite and walk in robe and Brad actually laid out the floor tiles for the ensuite. It looks really really cool. We are moving ahead again, much to Brads annoyance (cause he still can't play car) but he did play motor bikes a couple of weekends ago and came to the conclusion he is getting old. Or....maybe that was me.
Eventually I will put another photo up, so everyone can see the progress.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Fun and Games

Why is it? The cheaper the game, the more fun they seem to have. Take a lot of pieces of paper and shred them. What do you have? Fun all round. Ewan and Alicia loved it. The only rule, keep the mess in the kitchen. All in all they did very well.

Look at me, I can do it too!

As everyone knows, Ewan looooovvveeees his superhero costumes. He will wear them dirty, clean, when its hot, cold, raining. You name it, he'll be wearing it. Nanna was kind enough to buy The Incredibles costume for Xmas and he too loves this. But this also means that Alicia is able to use a costume also. If Ewan is Batman, she will wait until he's Superman, and then put Batman on, etc etc
This story reminds me of me, because apparently when I was young, I too had to do everything that everyone else was doing. Mum can relate to this. Anyway, it is expanding their imaginations and all we need now is a broken leg, because Ewan really does think he can fly. Lets hope not. Not to be out done, Pepper thought she would get in on the act.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Someone is taking off their nappy

Of course, it couldn't be anyone other than Miss Alicia. She loves it. Running around with no nappy. So out came the potty and I bought her some knickers. Just this afternoon is a prime example of what she is doing. I put her down for her afternoon nappy about 1.15pm. At 2.00pm she was still running a muck in her cot. So much so, that I thought she wasn't going to go down but she eventually did. Bearing in mind, I had secretly checked up on her on a number of occasions before I didn't hear anymore noise. What should I find when I checked, so I could shut her guessed it, a little babe asleep without a nappy. She had taken off her pjamas pants and nappy. What do you do now? I hear everyone asking. Well, I have taken to just leaving her without a nappy. There's not that much damage she can do, unless she decided to do a No.2. But I suppose that can be cleaned up. This is an activity that Ewan never ventured into. It can be very frustrating at times, because its hard enough trying to dress a little being let alone, dressing them at least 10 times a day. Oh well, the joys of parenting.

Golden Globes/Academy Awards

Two shows that never ever interested me, until after I had kids. I think my brain sees it as a way of keeping in touch with films and tv shows that are produced (we never go to the movies) and the actors that are 'in' for the moment. You also get a glimse of who that actors are. Some are so stupid. Maybe I'm stupid for watching.

The Swimming break through

You cannot even try to attempt to understand a childs logic, but......
We have had issues with Ewan and his swimming lessons for a numer of months. Its now getting to a point where he is getting upset and not wanting to go. However, last week we had a break through. Emma decided to take Ewan into a different class. One where he could touch the bottom of the pool. He loved it. You know this, because he wouldn't stop talking after his class. I felt very very relieved, and I know this is Ewan's moment but I was also very excited for him. As to understanding kids logic. Ewan will get into our pool with his floaties and before you know it, he is at the deep end. Go figure.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Little girls like to grow up - FAST

Miss Alicia came wandering into the lounge room last night, very proud of herself. She had found my bras and had successfully managed to put them on.

The Kids are loving the pool

The last couple of days have been very very hot, hence the pool has had a good work out.
I'm glad we are using the pool more and more since it cost me a heap of money to fix up. And it seems the older the kids get, the more it is being used.
Ewan loves to get in with his floaties and he's off. Swimming around and going down to the deep end. He loves it. He is a very good swimmer with the floaties but is scared to take them off. He can swim but isn't very confident.
Alicia loves to jump in. Thats pretty much HER thing. She had a lot of fun with dad last night. He was throwing her up in the air and it was very high. She too likes to swim with her floaties on, she gets a little independence and is free to go wherever.
Mainly the pool is a pain in the arse but Summer time seems to make up for it. And eventually we will get that solar heating going, thats what I'm hanging for.

Friday, January 05, 2007

The Interceptor is becoming more prominent

Whilst at Silverton, Adi and Brad had a photo shoot and video taping of the famous Interceptor. It was hysterical to see, two grown men playing cars and even funnier to see me sitting in the the car whilst Brad drove. He wants one and wants one bad. The only thing stopping him playing cars.......the house (which isn't finished yet)

Its almost come to a point where I can't be bothered justifying time against money. Brad is unhappy and rightly so. He works hard and should have some serious play time. What we should do is sit down and develop a plan, which everyone can agree on. Then he will get to play cars.

Anyway the photo shoot was great, we got some really good photos and the video was made even more special because a kangaroo decided to join us, thankfully it wasn't permanently left on Adi's car tyre. Interesting viewing.

Alicia and Ewan had some fun and were really well behaved. Check out the photos.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

New Years Eve at Silverton

We drove to the Silverton Pub for New Years but because its my family there were incidents on the way there, of course. Alicia threw up twice and we had to change her twice. She hasn't been well (surprise, surprise) but I think it is more of a sinus infection and the gunk running down to her stomach. She coped with it very well especially since this all happened, after about an hour and then again after about 2 hours. Remembering we still had at least 5 hours to go.
We did get there by about 6pm and there were quite a few people outside the front of the pub and I didn't realise this but Chris' interceptor is continually parked out the front which I thought funny. I did expect the pub to be in the middle of no where surrounded by nothing but that isn't exactly the case. Never the less it looked good.
I met Chris and Jo and their kids Cec and Casey. Beautiful people and very welcoming. The accomodation was really nice and Ewan and Alicia fit right in. Ewan had plenty of space to play around in and Alicia had plenty of dirt to get dirty in.

New Years Eve came in with a bang, literally. Fireworks were great and then not long after I went to bed. The kids thankfully were already sleeping soundly.

We did have a few issues during the night with Alicia, who ended up taking the whole of the bed but other than that, it was a really good trip.

Thanks to Chris and his gang for making it memorable in more than one way!!!!!

Christmas was Yuck

Hopefully it wasn't too yuck for the kids but I wouldn't know because I was sick in bed all day and for the next 2 days after that.
I thought it was gastro now I think it was food poisoning. Everyone who had the same cake as me, was not well. Hence there was a trip to the hospital and 2 litres of fluid fed in, because by this time I was dehydrated, yeah great. Well I have finally recovered, hoping to never have food poisoning again and water has become my new best friend.
The kids got some great toys which they are playing with continuously and the house still looks like a bomb has hit it, but oh well.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone.