Why is it, that if you give a kid a choice between expensive bikes, slides, dolls etc or a piece of wood with a whole in it, they go for the wood everytime.
We have proven that today. Not with one, not with two but FOUR kids. Yes. Why do they do this you ask? I have absolutely no idea. I wish I knew because it would save a lot of money and decision making.
Look at them.....Another one of lifes mysteries
Morning Tania
So she had got you bloging eh?!!
Its quite fun, I have my own photo blog, dont really say much on it, just let the photos do the talking!
I dunno why kids like wraping paper of bits of wood, but im sure xmas will be a lot easier this year hahaha
Ok im off for breakfast cya later
haaaa the joys of wood!
The photos are great Tania, you will have to email them to me!
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