Friday, June 26, 2009

Typical Alicia face

What do you think? Is it a typical Alicia face?????? I hear a resinating YES. She can be a grumpy old cow but I think this particular face was staged. Or at least it doesn't normally look so menacing.

Let hope the wind don't change..

How he was able to get his eyes to do that is beyond me, but it is absolutely gross. As you can see he is at the hairdressers with dad because only dad would allow him to do that in public.

Hey Ewan who cut your hair?

This is Ewans latest hair cut. Though it looks exactly like it normally does, he had some 'product' put into it. He loved it and promptly wanted it to look that way everyday.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Crows Night

Ewan has been doing Auskick for a few weeks now and the other night along with everyone else, we were invited to the Crows night. Well Ewan has picked his team and he likes the Crows, so off we all went, down to the Crows shed. The aim of the night is for the kids to see the players, get autographs and eat mountains of pies. We did the first 2 things. It was actually a really good night. I really didn't want to go, but Alicia did and there's no way Brad could handle those 2 in that environment by himself. Ewan got a lot of autographs, mostly from players he didn't know but it was all fun. His jersey is nearly full. He is impressed.

Ewan visited by the tooth fairy

Ewan was finally visited by the toothfairy on Sunday. He had a wobbly tooth for a few weeks but nothing seemed to progress. It finally happened whilst eating a packet of chips and at the time he didn't realise what had happened. He actually took the tooth out of his mouth and threw it away onto the floor. He quickly realised it was his tooth and he was really excited. I on the otherhand wasn't sure what to do. It was bleeding but not too much, I didn't know whether to be motherly and get a tissue or be really excited along with everyone else. So I opted for a quick excitement plan and then a motherly concern with the tissue. Anyway it worked a treat.
Ewan was lucky enough to get an unusual 50 cent piece. Brad on the otherhand thought the tooth fairy was stingey. Well Ewan thought it was cool and thats all that matters.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Alicia's bike ride

This is Alicia's first major bike ride on her own bike. We did start off with a helmet on but unfortunately it is a little bit too big and it kept falling off and annoying her. She really enjoyed it.

Alicia's kangaroo impression

Check out Alicia's kangaroon impression. Its a little different than what would expect from a kangaroo, but possibly not from Alicia.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


No, this post isn't something about a snake. Anaconda is an outdoor shop. Actually, its officially Brads favourite shop and by the looks of things the kids aswell.
This is a shop that we could loose Brad for at least 6 hours, and we would have, if I wasn't steering the ship. Alicia was busy, loosing her teddy bear (actually mine) but I did manage to find it. Ewan was busy, begging for flippers, snorkel and goggles set which was $50. Are they out of their mind. Yes, we had tears but I was the master of manipulation that day. We left the store without any red eyes. So we got what we went for and luckily nothing else.

Bhodie's 4th Birthday

Alicia was invited to Bhodies's birthday party which was held at Littlehampton at Platform 1. Bhodie is Alicia's best friend at kindy. Platform 1 is set up like a train station. It's party room is an actual old carriage and then they have a miniature train, for train rides and animals, pig, horse, chickens, sheep. It takes approximately 2 1/2 hours and you aren't bored for 1 minute. They have their schedule down pat and it runs very smoothly.
We all went, as a family and got to meet other kindy families. Things you normally don't do because the kids are getting picked up and dropped off at different times. These parents will probably be the same parents that we will know when the kids go to school, so its nice to develop some kind of rapport.
The kids had a great time, even though it was freezing cold, it at least didn't rain.

Phoenix, Scotty and Fiona bon voyage

Scotty, Fiona and Phoenix are now residents of the US, for at least a couple of years. Scotty accepted a position over there with his company and they moved there last week. We got to see them on the Sunday, which was good because we hadn't seen them for ages. Phoenix is so big and I think she and Alicia had a good play. We went to see Ewan practice football, but ended up playing on the playground. At least we have facebook and can keep in touch.

Ewan in his usual position

Some things change but not everything. Ewan is getting bigger but his sleeping positions still continue to be an amazement.

Where have I been?

Where have I been you ask. I have been very busy with my head in the books. I have survived my first semester at Uni and have done reasonably well. I didn't start off too well with a couple of P1 grades but progressed to 2 Distinctions and a I don't know yet. The essay which is worth a lot of marks hasn't been graded yet, so I am still waiting on that.
I did chuck a wobbly about 6 weeks ago and started to lose all my balls in the air but I have managed get back into a nice rhythm, so I am looking forward to next semester, which will start in approximately 5 weeks. I am off to torment the schools. It should be exciting.
This means we are already half way through the year, boy have we fit a lot in!