Friday, April 10, 2009

Alicia's 4th Birthday Invites, Barbie theme

Here is the latest on the Alicia's 4th Birthday invites. Mum was an absolute star. As usual (in the last 6 weeks) I am a little time poor, which is code for Oh my god, I have to make Alicia's invites before tomorrow. I am certainly not as organised as I once was and there are a few extra factors to be dealing with this year.
Mum worked out how the doll was folded to be cut properly, she cut the dolls out, cut the skirts out and glued the flower on. I did the rest, which wasn't much really. I made up for it with the lolly bags. Painful, fiddly things. I plan on organising Alicia's entire party before Uni starts again, just to be safe.
The invites turned out really well and Alicia loved them.


This is what I call, from the mouths of babes....

Brad asked Alicia, for me to get Brad a drink. She promptly came looking for me, only to find my hanging out the wet clothes. She then says, "Dad wants a drink." I didn't really respond but thought I would get him a drink once I had finished hanging out the clothes. So eventually I was able to give Brad a drink. I interrupted Alicia telling Brad, that I wasn't going to get him a drink. Brad said "Oh Well." Alicia says, "cry." Brad asks her to repeat what she said. "cry" she says. Brad says,"Do you think I should cry." Alicia nods her head.

Amazing. How can you be so manipulative at 3. I suppose she has used it as a strategy before and it does work, because I can't stand the noise.

Mental note: Don't give in to screaming children.

Cameron's 4th Birthday

Cameron turned 4 early March. Yes, they are growing up, big time. Leanne and Steve had a barbeque. It was a great get together. Stephanie showed her younger side and went on the trampoline with the kids. She was bouncing just as good as the rest of them. Its funny how you have motion sickness when you get older, but as a kid, you could jump all day. I can't stay too long on the trampoline. We didn't make it to Cameron's superhero birthday but it sounded like a really good day.

Waterfall Gully

Waterfully Gully is one of those places you remember visiting as a kid, but we hadn't taken our kids there. We only went to the bottom of the waterfall because it was hot and they were tired but they loved it. We saw a lizard and had our picture taken. Ewan wanted to go up further but we left that was another day. We forget there are places like this that we can go too, and its free!

Riding at Swan Reach

Not much riding was done this day, the bike wouldn't start, but the kids had fun anyway. Do you think? They love getting out into nature. They can't be my kids.

Ewan's debut

I don't like the fact that Ewan knows the words to crap music. I have my husband to blame for this....Alicia has a half hearted attempt.