Monday, July 28, 2008

School Holiday Craft

The masks
Alicia's giraffe

Ewans spider

I've only had two lots of school holidays and I am already finding them painful. What to do to occupy kids cheaply. Well I bought a box of 1000 craft items and decided to assist the kids in making something. Not too bad really, and at least the end product was pretty cool. We also made masks that would rival those made in Venice. I think they had fun making them, not sure really because they didn't voice their opinion. Maybe thats a good thing, usually they voice it too much.

Mum pet Magpies

Now, I bet that you didn't know that mum had pet magpies. Well she does and they live at the caravan. I think she has been feeding them since they were little. And now, one at least, comes right up to you and can eat cheese from your hand. It would be in the van if you would let it. They are gorgeous and the kids thought they were cool.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Edithburgh windmills

Theres a few electric turbines at Edithburgh. You can certainly see them from a fair distance away. They are huge when you get up close and apparently are supplying quite a bit of electricity. The photo was taken whilst driving in the car.

Chilling in the beach house

Named the beach house by Alicia and Ewan, it actually belongs to Gavin and Kayleen (friends we have had for ages). Their 'shack' is located about 5 minutes from mums van, down on sultana point. Gavin bought it about 7 years ago and did all the reno's himself. It was basically a tin shed when he bought it, now its a home away from home. He has decorated it himself and certainly reflects their personality. The shack down the road has just been sold for almost $500,000. Unbelieveable. They have 3 boys, all of which are very friendly and opened their toys up to Ewan and Alicia without complaint.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Where did Alicia sleep?

Originally Alicia and Ewan both were gonna sleep in the bottom bunk. Ewan can't be trusted in the top bunk. I'm not sure if he ever will, he's such a wriggler. The first night, Alicia ended up in the double bed with us. Not a pleasant sleep as you can imagine. From the second night on, Brad slept on the top bunk, Ewan on the bottom and Alicia with me. At least everyone had more room. I don't know what her problem was, but we don't know what many of her problems are, so one more doesn't matter. I also took my laptop and this became known as the second dvd player, thank god for technology. Near the double bed was the perfect spot.

Playstation at the van

Playstation was a big hit with Ewan at the van. Its another thing to do when the weather is yuk. I might add that Brad had his share of playstation. Skull Monkey was a winner. Actually even I could sit and watch it.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Relaxing in the van

Thank god for split systems, they are worth their weight in gold. Here we are, taking in the heat in the van.

Crab hunting at Coobowie

Crab hunting is cool. We picked the right time to descend onto the beach, even though it was freezing cold. Brad was the first to spot them and I don't think the kids really knew what to look for. Ewan had a lesson on how to pick them up and I tried to teach him not to step on them in the water. But if you have wellingtons on, you can go anywhere.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Holiday at Coobowie

School holidays have come again, and its about this time of year where you start to get a little run down. Time for a pick me up. Where can we go that is cheap, stuff to do, but not too far away. Hey, why don't we use mum and dad's caravan at Coobowie. We just need to know what we need to do with gas, electric etc and then we will be set. So thats what we did for 4 nights and had an absolute ball, even if the weather was CRAP. Cold, really windy and raining. We did have glimpses of goodness, where the sun stayed out long enough for us to go bike riding, look for crabs and play on the playground.

Brad and the boys weekend

Brad went motorbiking with the boys a couple of weekends ago. He was staying over night at Swan Reach on Seans property and decided he should take the swag. He brought it inside for an airing and it was lost to Alicia using it as her bed whilst watching dvd's inside. Brad still has to explain the swag is used for outside sleeping. Not that the princess will ever be doing that.

Ewan gives me flowers

Now, the incident happened a couple of weeks ago, so I can't even remember why Brad had to give me flowers but, he asked for something to be done. Whilst the kids were present, I said to Brad, "Only if you bring me flowers". Now of course I wasn't gonna get flowers but I was hopeful (stupid me). Anyway, we all arrived home together and Brad asked if I had accomplished my task and I said, yes. I then asked where my flowers were. Ewan says, "Yeah dad, where are mums flowers?" Next thing I know, there is whispering behind my back. I ignore it because nothing good can come from whispering. Then in walks Ewan and Alicia with sour sobs in their hands. Anyone, who is anyone, realises that sour sobs are a form of WEED. Good one ya Brad. Anyway, I look excited and proceed to get a vase to put the sour sobs in. Everyone is a winner, apparently. Ewan was really cuffed, he picked some more the next day. Morale of the story, if you want flowers, be really specific.

The last day of term - Kindergym

There is usually a theme for the last day of term at Kindergym. The theme was pjamas. You can imagine Alicia's excitement at having to wear pjamas out. She loves pjamas, will and has worn them all day. The problem we have most of the time, is keeping her day clothes on. If we go out and then come home, before Brad and I know what has happened, she has put her pj's on.

The grandkids

Its not often that we are able to get all 4 kids together to get a photo. Ewan and Alicia are enthusiastic to hold Keira, then after a couple of seconds they have both had enough. The novelty wears off really quickly.